CISUTAC shared visions

Within CISUTAC, partners are developing a shared vision for a more circular and sustainable EU textile sector based on an assessment of EU developments enabling circularity, and national measures to implement the mandatory separate collection of discarded textiles. The visions explore different elements of circularity and advises on strategic directions to identify relevant innovation gaps and possible solutions emerging from CISUTAC.

  • CISUTAC shared vision for a Circular and Sustainable EU Textile Sector: Supporting waste prevention and reduction

    3 September 2024 - At the top of the waste hierarchy, waste prevention measures are pivotal to achieving the textile sector’s transition towards circularity.

    The role of prevention and reuse of textile waste represents a significant potential for reducing greenhouse emissions. CISUTAC provides policy recommendations supporting waste prevention and reduction and advances their realisation by filling technological and knowledge gaps through several pilots and activities.

  • CISUTAC shared vision for a Circular and Sustainable EU Textile Sector: A European EPR that drives circularity

    29 November 2023 - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) aims to ensure that producers contribute to the costs of waste management and bear financial responsibility or financial and organizational responsibility for the end-of-life phase of their products. EPR has been identified as a key element of CISUTAC vision. If properly implemented, EPR could reduce the environmental impact of textiles, promote circular business models such as reuse and recycling, and contribute to more efficient end-of-life management. CISUTAC vision on EPR proposes a set of guiding principles for an EU-wide textiles EPR that supports the shift to circular economy.