More on the EU Textiles Strategy
ACR+ and RREUSE’s open letter for a Textile Emergency Action Plan
18 November 2024 - ACR+ joined RREUSE and Zero Waste Europe to publish an open letter calling on EU and national policy makers to take urgent action to prevent the collapse of the used textile value chain.
EU Textile Strategy: civil society’s demands to MEPs
13 January 2023 - In the context of the consideration of the European Parliament’s draft report on the EU Strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, RREUSE, together with 6 civil society organisations recalls the necessary actions to make the textiles strategy an effective tool to shift the sector towards circularity as well as environmental and social sustainability.
RREUSE’s Position Paper on the EU Textiles Strategy
5 October 2022 – Following the publication of the “EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles” by the European Commission, RREUSE puts forward a series of recommendations for the effective implementation of the Strategy.
EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles
30 March 2022 – The EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles addresses the production and consumption of textiles, whilst recognising the importance of the textiles sector. It implements the commitments of the European Green Deal, the new circular economy action plan and the industrial strategy.
EURATEX Vision for a European Textiles Strategy
13 September 2021 – EURATEX releases its vision for a new EU strategy for textiles and clothing. The new strategy should develop a forward looking business model. It would lay down the foundations for a competitive and sustainable European textiles industry.